* 講者按他們的英文姓氏排序,簡介只提供英文版本。

Mr. George Chan
同行 名譽法律顧問
George is an of counsel at a global law firm, advising his clients on banking, financing, and regulatory matters. He is also the Honorary Consultant (Legal) of Alongside.
George is deeply committed to embracing DEI, believing that an individual’s true value shines when the workplace prioritizes DEI principles. With active DEI involvement, he contributed to his office achieving gold standard in Community Business.
Beyond legal practice, George is passionate about educating and nurturing the next generation. He serves on a school management board and has actively participated in a youth think tank and the Hong Kong 200 Leadership Programme. George engages with the community through talks and seminars and is currently chairing the Community Talks and Services Sub-committee of the Law Society of Hong Kong. He was appointed by the HKSAR Government to serve as tribunal chair on the Appeal Panel (Housing) and board member of the Licensing Appeals Board.
Prof Helen Chan is a trailblazer of introducing Advance Care Planning (ACP) in Chinese communities. She has conducted a number of research and policy studies and knowledge transfer projects to evaluate and promote its acceptance. She was the only external member in the workgroup of formulating the ACP guidelines for Hospital Authority between 2017 and 2019. She was inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing in 2021 and awarded the International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame by Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong in 2024 in recognition of her research capability and societal contributions. Currently, she serves as an honorary advisor in aged care and end-of-life care for various NGOs, including Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, YWCA, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing and CADENZA Hub.

Prof. Helen Chan
香港中文大學醫學院那打素護理學院 教授

Dr. Ming Chan
跨青時刻 共同創辦人及總監
Ming Chan (she/her) is currently a general practitioner and one of the founding members and co-directors of Quarks HK. She is dedicated to promoting public awareness of transgender youth in Hong Kong and empowering the community to tell their own stories. In recent years, she coordinated the publication of “Know Thyself: Hong Kong Transgender Youth Anthology” and is also one of the hosts of the podcast “QuarksTalk”.
Molly Chan Mo-ning is a registered social worker who holds a Bachelor’s in Social Work from the University of Hong Kong and a Master’s in Family Counseling and Family Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Molly is the Service Director of Hospice and Bereavement Services at the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council, where she focuses on promoting community palliative services and life-and-death education. She oversees several end-of-life service projects, including the JCECC Hospice in Family Home Care Support Services (NT West), JCECC End-of-Life Care in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly Project (Kowloon West), the “Paraclete Care and Comfort Angel” bereavement support service, the Holy Carpenter Funeral Fund, and the Jockey Club Community Support Project for Children with Medical Complexity. In 2024, Molly was awarded the 33rd Outstanding Social Worker Award, honouring her skills and contributions to the field of social work.

Ms. Molly Chan
香港聖公會福利協會 安寧服務總監

Prof. Randolph Chan
香港中文大學社會工作學系 副教授
Professor Randolph Chan (he/him) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research centers around the intersections of minority stress, resilience, and mental health among LGBTQ+ individuals and other socially marginalized populations. Through extensive studies, he seeks to understand the impact of distal and proximal minority stressors on psychosocial outcomes among individuals with socially marginalized identities. His research also explores the mechanisms through which resilience resources can be harnessed to foster positive adaptation in the face of social adversity, ultimately promoting thriving within marginalized communities.
Ted is a barrister practicing in both criminal and civil law, with a strong focus on probate and matrimonial matters. He regularly handles cases involving mental health issues, and often deals with expert opinion evidence. Outside the courtroom, Ted is frequently engaged as a speaker for and collaborates with professionals from the medical and social services sectors to enhance interdisciplinary understanding. He is also a part-time lecturer at HKU, teaching the law of evidence.

Mr. Ted Chan
Denis Chang’s Chambers 大律師

Prof. Edmond Pui Hang Choi
香港大學護理學院 副教授
Professor Edmond Choi, PhD, RN, FRSPH, FHEA, FAAN, is a registered nurse and an Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong’s School of Nursing. His research primarily focuses on sexual health, emphasizing the needs of sexual minorities, adolescents, and young adults. He has led his research team in testing the effectiveness of various sexual health promotion interventions among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM). For example, he has developed several eHealth interventions to promote sexual health among GBMSM. Recently, he has been conducting studies to investigate different forms of sexual violence, both in-person and technology-facilitated, in various at-risk populations. To maximize the impact of his scholarly work, he actively engages in collaborations with scholars from around the globe and partners with local non-governmental organizations.
Professor Choi has a strong publication and research grant record with a high field-weighted citation impact. He was listed in the top 2% of the world’s most-cited scientists in 2021, 2022 and 2023 by Stanford University. He has published more than 130 articles in international, high-impact, peer-reviewed journals. He is also the Associate Editor of the journal Sexual Health.
Kitty Chong is an Associate at Daly & Associates. Kitty handles a broad spectrum of criminal and civil cases for both private and legally aided clients of diverse backgrounds. Apart from non-refoulement claims, civil claims for damages, equal opportunities actions and matrimonial matters etc., Kitty is particularly interested in public interest litigation. She has litigated judicial review proceedings concerning the small house policy, deregistration of a teacher and dismissal of a civil servant, and LGBT+ rights including rights of transgender persons in custody, their rights to access public conveniences and the recent landmark Court of Final Appeal cases of Ng Hon Lam Edgar and Li Yik Ho relating to same-sex married couples’ equal rights in the context of public housing and intestate inheritance.

Ms. Kitty Chong
帝理律師行 律師

Dr. Winston Goh
香港同志醫學會 主席及共同創辦人
Dr. Goh is a Primary Care Physician at OT&P healthcare, a private multi-specialty medical group in Central, Hong Kong.
He obtained his medical degree from the University of Hong Kong in 2001 and subsequently received post-graduate education in General Practice in Glasgow, Scotland. He obtained his Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP) qualification in the UK in 2008. Dr. Goh underwent further training in Family Medicine in the US, at the State University at Buffalo (SUNY), New York from 2017 to 2010. He was chief resident of the Family Medicine Residency program at SUNY Buffalo. Dr. Goh spent 5 years practicing medicine in San Francisco, California before returning to Hong Kong in 2015. He spent 3 years working at Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital as Resident Medical Officer before joining the team of Family doctors at OT&P Healthcare.
Dr. Goh is a champion for the local LGBTQ+ community in Hong Kong. He co-founded the HK LGBT Medical Society in 2018 and enjoys mentoring medical students during his free time.
Charles Ho works in the HKCSS over 10 years. He currently leads Policy Research and Advocacy team to handle some social agenda such as community-based palliative care, primary care, poverty and social housing. He hopes to support the needy and create value to society through policy advocacy and pilot schemes in collaboration with partners of various sectors.

Mr. Ho Chun Kit Charles
香港社會服務聯會政策研究及倡議 總主任

Dr. Yu-Te Huang
香港大學社會科學學院社會工作及社會行政學系 副教授
Yu-Te Huang’s research interests cover adolescent mental health, sexual and gender minority youth, and immigrants’ cross-cultural experiences. In his research, Dr. Huang intends to highlight the importance of theoretical discussions and methodological plurality in the field and to promote social workers’ critical thinking and cross-cultural competency. His research has been published in social work journals that have local and global readerships and presented in international conferences. Prior to pursuing his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Social Work, the University of Toronto, Yu-Te was trained and working as a psychiatric social worker at a medical center in Taiwan.
Bryan Kam is a self-taught technologist with a passion for innovation and digital transformation. After graduating from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with a degree in Information Systems, he spent over a decade working in the Internet industry across Asia, including roles at Alibaba.com and several start-ups.
In 2019, Bryan joined Kowloon Funeral Parlour as IT Head, where he successfully digitalized operations, earning a promotion to Chief Operating Officer in 2023. During his tenure, he developed a deep appreciation for Hong Kong’s funeral traditions and worked to integrate technology into the industry, engaging younger generations while preserving its heritage.
Bryan is dedicated to life and death education, launching initiatives like Hong Kong’s first funeral parlour open day to help individuals reflect, cherish life, and discover its deeper meaning.

Mr. Bryan Kam
九龍殯儀館 首席營運官

Prof. Travis S. K. Kong
香港大學社會科學學院社會學系 教授
Professor Travis S.K. KONG is Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Hong Kong. His research specializes in the sociology of homosexuality, of prostitution and of praxis. He is the sole author of Chinese Male Homosexualities: Memba, Tongzhi and Golden Boy (Routledge, 2011), Oral Histories of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong: Unspoken but Unforgotten (HKU Press, 2019) and Sexuality and the Rise of China: The Post-1990s Gay Generation in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland China (Duke University Press, 2023). He is co-editor-in-chief of Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society. Prof. Kong is committed to knowledge exchange and social impact; notably, his scholarly work on older gay men led to the establishment of the charitable organization Grey and Pride (2014-), inspired the multi-award-winning film Suk Suk (2019) and put the concerns and rights of older LGBTQ+ onto the public agenda, for which he won the Prism Award (2014) and LGBT+ Advocacy Award (2020) acknowledging his contributions to the LGBTQ+ community in Hong Kong. Prof. Kong is Rainbow Ambassador of Hong Kong Pride 2024.
Lisa is a legal and compliance counsel with over 20 years of experience in the digital finance sector. She is the founder and managing consultant of her own legal consulting company, where she provides bespoke legal and regulatory compliance solutions to digital finance businesses, with a focus on Web3 and payments.
Lisa’s commitment extends beyond professional services. She is also a passionate volunteer and leader in the LGBTQ+ community. Currently, Lisa is serving as the head of external affairs at Alongside Limited, an end-of-life planning and bereavement support services NGO, and is also a board/committee member of two other charities: Grey & Pride and AIDS Concern. Before that, Lisa was the co-chair and general counsel of Gay Games 11 Hong Kong 2023 – the first Gay Games in Asia – until the successful closure of the event in November 2023.

Ms. Lisa Lam
同行 對外事務主管

Prof. Eric Kam-Pui Lee
香港中文大學賽馬會公共衛生及基層醫療學院 臨床副教授
Dr. Lee completed his medical education at the University of Hong Kong in 2007 and has over 10 years of experience practicing family medicine in Hong Kong. In 2016, he obtained his specialist qualification. Additionally, he earned a master’s degree in Mental Health from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2014, followed by a master’s degree in Evidence-Based Health Care from the University of Oxford in 2020.
Currently, Dr. Lee serves as a Clinical Associate Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In this role, he contributes to primary care by conducting and publishing research, teaching medical and master’s students, and seeing patients in both the public and private sectors in Hong Kong.
Mr. Yves Leung is a dual-qualified lawyer, admitted in both Hong Kong and England & Wales, with over 10 years of experience spanning private practice and in-house roles. He has worked on high-profile litigation and precedent-setting regulatory cases with experience spanning the financial sectors, giving him a broad perspective on intricate legal landscapes.
Driven by his commitment to fairness, equal access, and equality, Mr. Leung brings this principled approach and legal expertise to Alongside. As Chair and Co-founder, he is dedicated to fostering an inclusive society where individuals can approach their final journey with autonomy, dignity, and respect.

Mr. Yves Leung
同行 主席及共同創辦人

Ms. Li Pui Yi
聖雅各福群會賽馬會安寧頌「安。好」居家寧養服務 計劃經理
Registered Social Worker with 10+ years of Life and Death service experience; Former Service Manager of Funeral Navigation Service (「後顧無憂」規劃服務); Project Manager of JCECC: Cheering @ Home End-of-Life Care Services (賽馬會安寧頌「安.好」居家寧養服務).
To strengthen the family function in caring for end-of-life patients at home, JCECC: Cheering @ Home End-of-Life Care provides a one-stop end-of-life care service, offering Physical Care, Psychosocial Spiritual Care, and Practical Care for patients and their families. We organize cheer-up activities and moments to strengthen family relationships and create memorable moments for patients and their families during the end-of-life stage.
We serve end-of-life patients aged 60 or above who live in Hong Kong Island, Sham Shui Po District, Kwai Tsing District, and Tsuen Wan.
Rufina completed her Bachelor of Laws degree with First Class Honours and the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws course with Distinction at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and qualified as a solicitor in Hong Kong in 2018.
She joined Hastings & Co. in March 2023 and is now a Senior Associate of the firm, with particular focus on estate planning and succession matters including wills, probate, and enduring powers of attorney. She is experienced in handling non-contentious probate applications and applications under part II of the Mental Health Ordinance. She also handles contentious probate and administration litigation.
She has presented seminars on topics related to succession law, preparation of wills and enduring powers of attorney for charitable organizations and insurance companies.
Rufina is proficient in English, Cantonese and Putonghua.

Ms. Rufina Ng
希仕廷律師行 高級律師

Dr. Ling Siu Chi Tony
香港醫學會 義務秘書
Dr LING, Siu Chi Tony is a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Graduating from the University of Hong Kong, he received specialist training at Tuen Mun Hospital where he currently serves as a Consultant. Dr LING is the Honorary Secretary of The Hong Kong Medical Association since 2022 and helped launch its Women’s Health Month campaign in March 2024. Dr LING also chaired a panel discussion on the topic of sexual health and LGBTQ+ inclusive healthcare at the Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Postgraduate Seminar in June 2024. Dr LING was the President of the Hong Kong Public Doctors’ Association from 2021 to 2023.
Letty oversees various programs that support the LGBTQ+ community, focusing on casework, group work, volunteer training, and broader community initiatives.
TWGHs PRIDE Line, a designated 24-hour hotline service for LGBTQ+ and their family members and friends, was established in January 2018, providing immediate support, counselling and follow-up services, making referrals and conducting groups and programs. TWGHs PRIDE Land was established in January 2021, where a safe, comfortable and LGBTQ+ friendly environment was created for providing face-to-face counselling service, supporting LGBTQ+ to go through challenges related to sexual orientations, gender identities and intimate /family relationships.

Ms. Sham Ching-yin Letty
東華三院「同‧一線」 署理主任

Prof. Yiu-tung Suen
香港中文大學性別研究課程 副教授
Yiu-tung SUEN (DPhil in Sociology, University of Oxford) is Associate Professor of the Gender Studies Programme, and Associate Professor (by courtesy) of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received the Young Researcher Award (2020) of the CUHK, and Exemplary Teaching Award in the Faculty of Social Sciences (2022) of the CUHK. He founded and directs the Sexualities Research Programme, the first and foremost research programme in Hong Kong dedicated to studying LGBT+ related laws and social policies. His research is known for being highly impactful. Outside academia, he has been a consultant and written reports for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), and advised the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for their research. Locally, he led the largest-scale research in Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission’s history of commissioned research. He is an appointed member of the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS of the Department of Health of the HKSAR Government. He is Adviser and Past Vice-Chairperson of AIDS Concern Hong Kong. He frequently addresses a wide range of audiences including policy makers, business leaders, lawyers, healthcare professionals, and service providers. He has also been working with a variety of sectors as diverse as business, law, hospitality, fashion and more. Moreover, he has been interviewed by international media outlets such as the AFP, BBC, Bloomberg, CNN, Financial Times, New York Times, Reuters, TIME Magazine, Washington Post, and many others for his research.
Denise Tse-Shang Tang is Head & Associate Professor in the Department of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. Her/their research specializes in gender and sexualities with specific focus on lesbian desires and transgender masculinities in an inter-Asian context. Prior to entering academia, Tang was program manager and US state-certified HIV testing counselor & treatment advocate for non-governmental organizations serving communities including Asian & Pacific Islander LGBTQ, survivors of sexual violence, First Nations women and youth in San Francisco, Seattle and Vancouver B.C.

Prof. Denise Tse-Shang Tang
嶺南大學文化研究系 系主任及副教授

Ms. Agnes Tin
香港大學行為健康教研中心 名譽講師
Ms. Agnes Tin is a registered social worker specialized in bereavement counseling. She received her Master of Social Work from the University of Hong Kong, and is granted the Fellow in Thanatology: Death, Dying & Bereavement (Association of Death Education & Counselling, USA). She is now the Honorary Lecturer at the Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong. She offers professional training on bereavement counseling, life and death education, as well as end of life care.
Mr. Rocky Tsing is a registered social worker with over 35 years of experience in social services. He has primarily worked with individuals with intellectual disabilities and older adults. Since 2018, he has joined The Comfort Care Concern Group, focusing on end-of-life care and bereavement counseling services, continuously providing comprehensive support and companionship to those in need.

Mr. Rocky Tsing
贐明會 總幹事

Dr. Nick Tsui
同行 行政總裁及共同創辦人
Dr. Nick Tsui graduated from the Medical School of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and is professionally trained as a specialist anaesthesiologist. With over a decade of experience in public hospitals, he is now in private practice and is currently serving as an anaesthesiology fellowship examiner. He is also qualified in simulation-based education, reflecting his passion for training and medical simulation education.
Dr. Tsui further extended his professional interests into the medicolegal field, earning an LLM in Medical Laws and Ethics with a focus on medical negligence and end-of-life ethics. This additional expertise enhances his understanding of the legal and ethical dimensions of patient care.
In 2023, Dr. Tsui co-founded Alongside, a pioneering organization dedicated to providing compassionate end-of-life services to the LGBTQIA+ community. Guided by a vision of autonomy and respect, he strives to foster a society where individuals can navigate their final journey with dignity and support.
Mr. Dino Wong is a registered clinical psychologist working in the Special Preventive Program at the Department of Health. He holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Hong Kong and an MPhil in Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies from the University of Cambridge. Mr. Wong specializes in LGBT+ affirmative therapy, focusing on supporting individuals with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. His clinical work includes counselling clients living with HIV and those engaging in high-risk sexual behaviours, with a strong commitment to fostering resilience and promoting mental well-being in the LGBT+ community.

Mr. Dino Wong Ching Kwong
衞生署特別預防計劃「壹同」 臨床心理學家

Dr. Olive Woo
Dr. Olive Woo, a licensed clinical psychologist, brings over a decade of experience in delivering psychological assessments and interventions to individuals with psychiatric and medical needs. Her expertise lies in palliative care, where she provides psychological support to patients and their families during some of life’s most challenging moments. She is also the founder of Flourishing-Life-Of-Wish Virtual Reality Therapy (FLOW-VRT®), a novel psychological intervention designed to enhance end-of-life care through immersive virtual reality experiences.
Dr. Jensen Yiu is the Head of Public Education and DEI and a co-founder at Alongside. Actively involved in various LGBTQIA+ initiatives, he is an advocate for LGBTQIA+ wellbeing and a dedicated researcher advancing scientific knowledge in LGBTQIA+ and end-of-life topics. Dr. Yiu completed his postdoctoral training in pharmacology at the University of Hong Kong and is now transitioning to the mental health and social sciences fields.
Dr. Yiu led Hong Kong’s first study on LGBTQIA+ perspectives in end-of-life planning and frequently delivers seminars on advance planning to the community. His extensive frontline experience at Alongside, where he has served hundreds of LGBTQIA+ clients, provides invaluable insights that inform his research. Dr. Yiu strives to promote evidence-based practices while bringing a multidisciplinary approach to his work, bridging research, practice, and advocacy to foster inclusivity and equity in care.

Dr. Jensen Yiu
同行 公共教育及多元共融主管及共同創辦人

Dr. Yu Yee Wah
香港大學李嘉誠醫學院精神醫學系 名譽臨床助理教授
美國死亡教育及輔導學會 生死學院士
Dr. Yu has served in public medical institutions including United Christian Hospital, Kwai Chung Hospital and Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital before switching to private practice. Dr. Yu has more than 15 years of clinical experience and she specializes in children and adolescent psychiatry.
Dr. Yu is an Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor of the LKS Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong. She was a college trainer from 2017 till 2024 to doctors undergoing psychiatric training while she worked in the public sector. She also provided professional training to psychiatric nurses and social workers; as well as giving talks to schools and the general public for the promotion of mental health awareness.
Dr. Yu believes that psychiatry is a blend of art and science. Humanity and psychotherapeutic interventions are of paramount importance to lead the recovery journey. In recent years, Dr. Yu has devoted herself to further training in thanatology and existential psychotherapy; hoping to find a way out for patients to enhance self-understanding and life meaning searching.
Kenneth joined Hastings & Co. in 2016 and his practice focuses on Private Client services and Family Law.
Prior to joining Hastings & Co., Kenneth worked in a leading family and matrimonial law specialist firm in Hong Kong for over 10 years, having acted for high net worth clients on matters involving divorce and separation, jurisdictional dispute, pre-nuptial agreement/separation agreement, financial settlements, spousal and child maintenance claims, as well as children custody and relocation.
Thereafter, Kenneth continues to act and advise clients on matters involving matrimonial and family disputes, and private client matters such as wealth protection and management, estate planning, wills and succession, probate and estate administration, enduring power of attorney, applications under Part II of the Mental Health Ordinance, liaison with major banks and trust companies for Trust setup and administration.
Kenneth currently sits on the Family Law Committee, the Family Office Practice Committee, and the Privacy and Data Law Committee of the Law Society of Hong Kong.

Mr. Kenneth Yung
希仕廷律師行 執行合夥人