Programme Conference Rundown (Day 1 : 21 Feb, 2025) * The conference will be conducted in Cantonese, with sessions in English where indicated. Day 1: Advance Planning and Inclusive Healthcare Practices for LGBT+ End-of-life 12:30-13:00 Registration Session 1 : 21-02-2025 (PM) 13:00-13:05 Welcome Speech Dr. Nick Tsui 徐子健醫生Specialist AnaesthesiologistCEO & Co-founder, Alongside 13:05-13:20 Opening Keynote: Inclusive End-of-life Service tailored for the Needs of LGBT+ Prof. Edmond Pui Hang Choi 蔡沛恒教授Associate Professor, School of Nursing, HKU 13:20-13:50 Presentation Navigating Legal Complexities: Current Landscape for LGBT+ Rights Ms. Kitty Chong 莊潔慧女士 Associate, Daly & Associates 13:50-14:20 Presentation The Importance of Inclusive End-of-Life Planning: Evidence from Alongside’s Scientific Research Dr. Jensen Yiu 姚皓璋博士 Head of Public Education & DEI & Co-Founder, Alongside 14:20-14:40 Coffee Break 14:40-15:20 Practice Sharing Empowerment Through Advance Planning : Creating an Enduring Power of Attorney to Prepare for Unknown Future Mr. Kenneth Yung 容啟善先生Managing Partner, Hastings & Company Ms. Rufina Ng 伍舜瑜女士Senior Associate, Hastings & Company 15:20-16:00 Practice Sharing Assessing Mental and Testamentary Capacity: Best Practices for Professionals Mr. Ted Chan 陳禮熙先生Barrister-at-law, Denis Chang’s Chambers Dr. Yee Wah Yu 余綺華醫生Specialist PsychiatristHonorary Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU Fellow in Thanatology, Association for Death Education and Counselling 16:00-16:30 Presentation Legal and Practical Insights into the Advance Decisions on Life-sustaining Treatment Ordinance Dr. Nick Tsui 徐子健醫生Specialist AnaesthesiologistCEO & Co-Founder, Alongside 16:30-16:50 Coffee Break 16:50-17:20 Presentation Current Status and Future Directions in Training Nursing Students for LGBT+ Inclusive Care Prof. Edmond Pui Hang Choi 蔡沛恒教授 Associate Professor, School of Nursing, HKU 17:20-18:00 Panel Discussion Implementation of Inclusive Care in Hong Kong Ms. Lisa Lam 林敏蕙女士 (Moderator) Head of External Affairs, Alongside Prof. Edmond Pui Hang Choi 蔡沛恒教授Associate Professor, School of Nursing, HKU Dr. Winston Goh 吳偉棠醫生Specialist in Family MedicinePresident & Co-Founder, Hong Kong LGBT Medical Society Dr. Ling Siu Chi Tony 凌霄志醫生Specialist in Obstetrics & GynaecologyHonorary Secretary, The Hong Kong Medical Association 18:00-18:10 Closing Remark Alongside End of Session 1 Conference Rundown Day 2