
Conference Rundown
(Day 2 : 22 Feb, 2025)

* The conference will be conducted in Cantonese, with sessions in English where indicated.

Day 2: Inclusive Mental Health and Social Work Practices for LGBT+ End-of-life



Session 2 : 22-02-2025 (AM)


Welcome Speech

Dr. Jensen Yiu 姚皓璋博士 

Head of Public Education & DEI & Co-Founder, Alongside 



Exploring Mental Health Aspects of the End-of-Life Needs of Hong Kong LGBT+

Prof. Randolph Chan 陳俊豪教授

Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, CUHK


Short Presentation

Panel Discussion

Intersectionality of Aging and LGBT+ and the Unique Needs Among LGBT+ Population 

Prof. Yiu Tung Suen 孫耀東教授 (Moderator)

Associate Professor, Gender Studies Programme, CUHK

Dr. Ming Chan 陳明昕醫生

Co-Director & Co-founder, Quarks HK 

Prof. Travis S. K. Kong 江紹祺教授

Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU 

Prof. Denise Tse-Shang Tang 鄧芝珊教授

Head & Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University 


Coffee Break


Panel Discussion

Opportunities in Community AMD Promotion

Mr. George Chan 陳嘉豪先生 (Moderator)

Honorary Legal Consultant, Alongside


Prof. Helen Chan 陳裕麗教授

Professor, The Nethersole of School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK 

Prof. Eric Kam-Pui Lee 李錦培教授

Specialist in Family Medicine
Clinical Associate Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK 


Dr. Nick Tsui 徐子健醫生
Specialist Anaesthesiologist

CEO & Co-founder, Alongside



Preparing for Tomorrow: the Implementation of Advance Contracts

Mr. Bryan Kam 甘亮得先生

Chief Operating Officer, Kowloon Funeral Parlour


Mr. Yves Leung 梁熙文先生

Chair & Co-founder, Alongside


Lunch Break

End of Session 2



Session 3 : 22-02-2025 (PM)



Attitudes towards LGBT+ among Social Workers in Hong Kong

Dr. Yu-Te Huang 黃昱得博士

Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU


* Conducted in English


Practice Sharing

How to Be Inclusive: Practical Skills for Counselors and Social Workers

Mr. Dino Wong Ching Kwong 黃政光先生

Clinical Psychologist, The Commons, Special Preventive Programme, Department of Health, HKSARG
Chairperson & Founder, Society of True Light


Panel Discussion

Applying the Inclusive Principles in Palliative Care

Mr. Ho Chun Kit Charles 何俊傑先生 (Moderator)

Chief Officer, Policy Research and Advocacy, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service


Ms. Molly Chan 陳慕寧女士

Director, Palliative Services, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council


Ms. Li Pui Yi 李佩怡女士

Project Manager, JCECC Cheering@Home End of Life Care Services, St. James’ Settlement


Ms. Sham Ching-yin Letty 沈正研女士

Acting Supervisor, PRIDE Line, TWGHs


Dr. Olive Woo 胡潔玲博士
Clinical Psychologist


Coffee Break


Panel Discussion

Disenfranchised Grief: You Can Tell No One

Dr. Jensen Yiu 姚皓璋博士 (Moderator)

Head of Public Education & DEI & Co-Founder, Alongside 

Ms. Agnes Tin 田芳女士

Honorary Lecturer, Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

Mr. Rocky Tsing 程偉文先生

Director, The Comfort Care Concern Group

Mr. Dino Wong Ching Kwong 黃政光先生

Clinical Psychologist, The Commons, Special Preventive Programme, Department of Health, HKSARG
Chairperson & Founder, Society of True Light

Dr. Yee Wah Yu 余綺華醫生

Specialist Psychiatrist
Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU
Fellow in Thanatology, Association for Death Education and Counselling


Practice Sharing

Building Continuing Bonds in Adaptation to Disenfranchised Grief

Ms. Agnes Tin 田芳女士

Honorary Lecturer, Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU


Concluding Remark


End of Session 3